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Mohaghegh, M., & Chambers, C. Perception of Place of Articulation of Assimilated Nasal and Oral Stops: What Do Response Times and Eye Fixations Tell Us?. ASA (5th joint meeting with Acoustical Society of Japan); Honolulu, USA, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 2016.


Mohaghegh, M., & Chambers, C. The Effect of Phonological Context on the Perception of Strong Place Assimilation in Nasal and Stop Consonants. LabPhon15; Ithaca, USA, July 13-16, 2016.


Mohaghegh, M., & Chambers, C. How Do Missing Phonetic Cues and Noise Affect the Process of Spoken Word Comprehension? AMLaP; Valletta, Malta, September 2-5, 2015.


Mohaghegh, M., & Chambers, C. How Phonological Context Affects Comprehension: The Case Of Assimilated Nasals And Stops. ICPhS; Glasgow, Scotland, August 10-14, 2015.


Rafaat, Y., & Mohaghegh, M. Geminate consonant production across three generations of Farsi-English speaking Iranian-Canadian bilinguals. Canadian Linguistics Association; Ottawa, ON, May 30-June 1, 2015.


Mohaghegh, M., & Chambers, C. Connected Speech Processes and Lexical Access

in Real-Time Comprehension. Mental Lexicon, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2014.


Mohaghegh, M., & Chambers, C. The recognition of assimilated forms during real-time comprehension: Effects of phonological context and priming. AMLaP; Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1-6, 2014.


Mohaghegh, M., & Chambers, C. Compensation for Assimilation Is Affected by Phonological Context and Priming: Evidence from Two Eyetracking Experiments. CSBBCS; Toronto, July 3-5, 2014.


Rafat, Y., & Mohaghegh, M. Sound Change in the Farsi-English Speaking Iranian-Canadian Bilinguals?; New Sounds International Conference; Montreal, ON, May 17-19, 2013.


Mohaghegh, M. Spoken word recognition and acoustic cues for the perception of final voiceless stops. Canadian Linguistics Association; Waterloo, ON, May 26-28, 2012.


Mohaghegh, M. Voicing in Persian Word-final Obstruents. Canadian Acoustical Association Acoustic week in Canada; Quebect city, October 12-14, 2011.


Mohaghegh, M. Devoicing of fricative C2 in C1C2 word final clusters and Sonority Sequencing Principle in Persian. CRC-sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop; Toronto, July 29, 2010.


Mohaghegh, M. Contrastiv­e hierarchie­s: evidence from phonologic­al disorder?; VSSoL International conference on language, nature, and cognition; Vigo, Spain, July 16-17, 2010.


Mohaghegh, M. Contrastiv­e hierarchie­s: evidence from phonologic­al disorder?; Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto (MOT) Workshop; Ottawa, CA, March 12, 2010.


Mohaghegh, M. Similarity­ of Sounds: A Theoretica­l and Experiment­al Approach. LGCU workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, CA, October 2, 2009.




University of Toronto

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